My Research
Mass Mobilisation and Strategies
Why do people mobilise, and what determines whether they make use of nonviolent or violent strategies?
Sometimes the security forces fight tenaciously for the regime, while other times, they decide to shift sides and stand with the protesters instead. There are many ways the security forces can abandon the regime. In our research, we examine how nonviolent and violent strategies shape the (dis)loyalty decisions of the security forces.
What are the consequences of mass mobilization? Why does it sometimes lead to the establishment of new democratic regimes, while other times it leaves little mark on history, or even leads to the entrenchment of autocratic regimes?
Published Work:
Marianne Dahl & Kristian S. Gleditsch. 2023. Clouds with silver linings: how mobilization shapes the impact of coups on democratization. European Jouranl of International Relations.
Michael Weintraub, Abbey Steele, Sebastián Pantoja-Barrios, Håvard Mokleiv Nygård, Marianne Dahl, Helga Malmin Binningsbø. 2023. Introducing the Mapping Attitudes, Perceptions and Support (MAPS) dataset on the Colombian peace process. Journal of Peace Research. PDF
Marianne Dahl, Scott Gates, Kristian S. Gleditsch & Belén González. 2021. Accounting for numbers: Group characteristics and the choice of violent and nonviolent tactics. The Economics of Peace and Security Journal. PDF
Kathleen Gallagher Cunningham, Marianne Dahl, Anne Frugé. 2020. Introducing the strategies of resistance data project Journal of Peace Research.
Kathleen Gallagher Cunningham, Marianne Dahl, Anne Frugé. 2017. Strategies of resistance: Diversification and diffusion. American Journal of Political Science. Also included in AJPS-Highly-Cited Article Collection (2019).
Gates, Scott, Kaushik Roy, Marianne Dahl, & Håvard Mokleiv Nygård. 2014. "Continuity and Change in Asymmetric Warfare in Afghanistan: From the Mughals to the Americans." In Scott Gates & Kaushik Roy (Eds.), War and State-Building in Afghanistan: Historical and Modern Perspectives. New York: Bloomsbury.
Marianne Dahl & Bjørn Høyland. 2012. Peace on quicksand? Challenging the conventional wisdom about economic growth and post-conflict risks. Journal of Peace Research.
Other work:
Marianne Dahl. 2016. Pockets of Opportunity: State Dissident Interactions and Regime Change. PhD Thesis. Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). PDF
Marianne Dahl, Haakon Gjerløw & Ida Rudolfsen. 2024. The Pillars of Protest: Demands, Strategy, Composition and Organization. PRIO Paper.
Klugman, Jeni, Marianne Dahl, Amie Gay, Kelly Dale and Elena Ortiz. 2019. Women Peace and Security Index, 2019/20. Washington DC & Oslo: GIWPS and PRIO
Binningsbø, Helga Malmin; Marianne Dahl; Håvard Mokleiv Nygård & Michael Weintraub. 2018 Attitudes Towards the Implementation of the Colombian Peace Agreement in Mesetas, PRIO Paper. Oslo: PRIO.
Klugman, Jeni, Marianne Dahl, Amie Gay, Patty Chang, Arjun Krishnan and Roudabeh Kishi. 2018. Women Peace and Security Index 2017/18. Washington DC & Oslo: GIWPS and PRIO
Strand, Håvard and Marianne Dahl. 2011. Defining Conflict-Affected Countries. Background paper for the UNESCO report: Education for all Global Monitoring Report 2011. The Hidden Crisis: Armed Conflict and Education
Work in progress
Kristin Bakke, Marianne Dahl & Kit Kit Rickard. Conflict exposure and people’s perception of protection of democratic principles: Evidence from wartime Ukraine
Marianne Dahl, Sirianne Dahlum, Hanne Fjelde, Haakon Gjerløw, Carl Henrik Knutsen, Carina Strøm-Sedgwick &Tore Wig. Mass Mobilization in the Modern Era: Introducing the Opposition Movements and Groups (OMG) dataset, 1789-2019.
Marianne Dahl, Sirianne Dahlum, Hanne Fjelde, Haakon Gjerløw, Carl Henrik Knutsen, Nils W. Metternich & Tore Wig. The role of collective social groups in democratization: New evidence from two centuries of mass mobilization
Marianne Dahl, Kristian S. Gleditsch, Gudmund Hermansen & Ida Rudolfsen. Only a moment in time? The effectiveness of nonviolent mass mobilization on transitions to democracy.
Marianne Dahl, Sirianne Dahlum, Hanne Fjelde, Amalie Nilsen, and Ida Rudolfsen. Anti-Liberal Protests Around the World, 1789-2020.
Marianne Dahl, Mauricio Rivera & Scott Gates. Beyond Defection: Dissent Campaign Strategies and Security Force Disloyalty.
Marianne Dahl, Mauricio Rivera, Tora Sagård, Scott Gates & Håvard Mokleiv Nygård. Disaggregating Disloyalty: Introducing the Disloyalty During Dissent Campaigns Dataset.
Ragnhild Nordås and Marianne Dahl. Corruption and State Perpetrated Sexual Violence.
Photo: Craig Melville