The Opposition Movements and Group Dataset (OMG)
The Opposition Movements and Groups (OMG) dataset documents 1,452 campaigns spanning the period from 1789 to 2019. It is the most comprehensive mobilization dataset available to date. The dataset includes campaigns that mobilize more than 1,000 people within a calendar year, across one or more related and temporally contiguous events within a polity unit. These campaigns aim, at least in part, to alter or stabilize/strengthen the current political regime, remove the head of state or government, or change the territorial composition of the polity. The dataset is collected in collaboration between PRIO and the University of Oslo.
The Disloyalty During Campaigns Dataset (DDC)
Disloyalty within the security forces is widely regarded as a key factor in determining the success or failure of campaigns and the likelihood of regime change. In the DDC project, we develop a detailed taxonomy of disloyalty, specifying the various types of disloyal actions. The DDC dataset maps the type of disloyal actions, the estimated number of participants, the ranks and roles of the actors involved, the level of coordination, and whether these actions were initiated from the upper or lower ranks of the security forces during non-violent and violent campaigns between 1970 and 2013.
The Strategies of Resistance Data Project (SRDP)
The SRDP is a global dataset on organizational behavior in self-determination disputes. This actor-focused dataset covers periods of relative peace and violence in self-determination conflicts from 1960 to 2005. We map the strategies used by self-determination organizations, identifying five different nonviolent and five different violent types of tactics.
Resources: Data
Data release paper: Introducing the Strategies of Resistance Data Project with Kathleen G. Cunningham and Anne Frugé. Journal of Peace Research.
Diversification and Diffusion with Kathleen G. Cunningham and Anne Frugé. American Journal of Political Science.
Mapping Attitudes, Perceptions and Support (MAPS) Dataset
The MAPS dataset includes survey data from over 12,000 respondents in Colombia. The panel survey was conducted in two waves, in 2019 and 2021, and is representative at the level of each "Program for Development with a Territorial Focus" (PDET, for its acronym in Spanish), which covers the regions most affected by the conflict and targeted for peace agreement implementation. The dataset captures respondents' attitudes on various topics, including their perceptions of the peace process.
Resources: Data
Data Release paper: Introducing the Mapping Attitudes, Perceptions and Support (MAPS) Dataset on the Colombian Peace Process with Michael Weintraub, Abbey Steele, Sebastián Pantoja-Barrios, Håvard Mokleiv Nygård, & Helga Malmin Binningsbø. Journal of Peace Research